My name is Lowell Blank and I’m a producer and executive with over 25 years experience in the film and television industry. I am the co-founder of Secretly Famous Productions.

Please see my credits on the Internet Movie Database here.

I have lived and worked all over the United States & the World.

I have a BA in Film & Television from San Diego State University and an MFA in Writing & Contemporary Media from Antioch University. I am a volunteer mentor for the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. I have taught undergraduate and graduate level workshops


Formerly served as President of Chicago Pacific Entertainment, where I developed and produced both studio and independent features as well as high-end commercial projects with director Andrew Davis, working with companies such as Disney, W. Bros., Fox, General Motors and others. 


Developed and produced narrative and documentary feature films with top Hollywood producers and directors, including Andrew Davis, Chris Eyre, Thane Swigart, Lane Michael Stanley, Double Nickel Entertainment, BCDF Films, DeLaurentis Co., and others.


Clients include Lawrence Investments, Walt Disney Co., Playground Media, Dragonvision Int’l, and Hub Media.  Advised clients on investments, project development and financing, and special projects in the United States, UK, China and Germany.

Today, I have a number of exciting projects in development and production. I recently produced the independent feature “Addict Named Hal” which has won numerous awards and I am currently in production on “Quentin Blue” and “T” along with a slate of timely projects.